Monday, March 14, 2011

The end of the wet season is near...

The end of the wet season in Madagascar is near, and I suppose that Sinbad will soon be returning to its natal area or......summering somewhere in Africa. Until April or the beginning of May he'll probably stay in this area. The green dots indicate the latest sites where it has been located by satellite.


  1. In Oman we did see some 1 yr old birds returning to the islands (though apparently not breeding), but we did not have many records. Our observation rate may have been affected by the timing of our surveys (August, I guess. It will be interesting to see what happens.

  2. Yes, looking forward to the coming weeks! For Eleonora's it's the same, only a few immature birds on the breeding grounds. Two of the juveniles tagged in 2005 summered in Africa. One in West Africa and the other at the Horn of Africa.

  3. Hii all,,,
    well at least i kenw i will be waiting for this one to come back home,,,
